• Woodworking

    Chest Restoration

    Just a quick post about a wee job I had to restore a customer’s old shipping chest that belonged to her parents. This is a difficult one to show in the photos, but the above is a picture of the original chest. A bit dirty, a bit dusty, a bit bashed, a few splits in the wood, loose screws, a hinge that was almost detached, a bit of woodworm and an amazing patina and history that needed to be retained. So, I fixed all of the mechanical and woodwork-type issues and then went to work with some furniture restoration solution. It cleaned all of the surface muck off and at…

  • Woodworking

    Summer 2022 update

    Work over the summer has been fragmented for a few reasons (Covid amongst them), so I just thought I would show you some of the things I have been doing/making over the last few months.